Monday, June 7, 2010

Naming process

So what does "phoenicianrains" mean you ask? Well, technically it came from my old Xanga, but that's really neither here nor there. I adopted the mantra of the Phoenix a few years ago, because it symbolized reinvention, renewal, rebirth. That myth being of a bird that when it reaches the end of it's natural lifespan bursts into flames, and is reborn from it's own ashes - thereby rendering it immortal in regards to natural causes of death. In addition it's tears possess healing properties. So in my (sometimes twisted) way of thinking, rains caused or derived from a phoenix should also be healing (Plus let's face it, rain in Phoenix [the city] is always beneficial!). My first tattoo was of a stylized phoenix of my own design as well - perhaps that will be a post if I figure out a way to post or link to pics!

Little did I know how prophetic my adoption of this concept would turn out to be. But that's a post for another day!

Be well...


  1. Speaking of tattoos, I want another. Now that you mentioned having drawn yours... would you want to draw a VW Bug? I want it to be small, just a lil' black outline of one.

    Love the backstory of the name, of course!

    p.s. I moved my fashionblog over to Blogger from Xanga (fargobradshaw.blogspot).

  2. Sybil - What is your first one? Where is it? Also, where would you want the bug? Also, new bug (like yours) or the original one? I'm guessing you want the new one, but thought I ought to ask!

    (Yes, the student in me just revised that a couple times!)


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